Institute Designers Ireland

Institute Designers Ireland

Mind Over Matter 2019 – On the eve of World Mental Health Day, the Institute Designers Ireland in association with Design Enterprise Skillnet presented an incredible event & lineup of speakers, serving to highlight mental health in the creative...
Bureau [Urban Assembly]

Bureau [Urban Assembly]

Bureau – variations Created by Urban Assembly, Bureau represents minimalism and functionality and was design for those looking for a compact, stylish, and affordable solution for the regular desk. Adjustable and sleek, it adds to the interior space the option to...
GlenEV Technologies

GlenEV Technologies

GlenEV are specialists in Electric Vehicle charging systems.They provide advice and guidance for people considering an EV re-charging service,also supply technology, installation, maintenance, and support. For over 3 years we worked together on the brand development...
IN-SPIRE Galerie

IN-SPIRE Galerie

In-spire Galerie is an independent contemporary art space located in the heart of Dublin. In-spire Galerie is primarily focused with developing relationships with professional artists from around the world and providing emerging and well established artists alike with...
DJ Norberto Loco

DJ Norberto Loco

Loco is a DJ, Producer & Official Guinness World Record holder for ‘The Longest Marathon Club Djing Set’. He approached me to design his logo.The results are below. Very pleasant cooperation. The design progress…