Justine Hajduk is a psychotherapist and coach.
In my view a very sharp-minded observer with a heart of gold.
Together we worked on photographs for her upcoming upgraded website high-duck.com making sure they reflect her mission, vision, and the key values which she incorporates while working with clients.
We spoke a lot about big goals and small details.
So without further ado let me present to you Highduck main person (and her gorgeous practice):
this is Justine and she specialises in joy!

Other Blog Posts:
Lee Harris – Dublin 2023
I had a pleasure to photograph the transformational teacher Lee Harris during an unforgettable evening at the Royal Marine Hotel, Dún Laoghaire, on July 26th 2023. At this workshop, he brought his gifts of intuition, channeling, and humor to read the energy of the room and speak directly to the core topics and themes that […]
Snatam Kaur
My beloved mantra-singer and grammy-nominated recording artist, Snatam Kaur,gifted the Irish audience with the astonishing concert at The RDS, closing her Light of Sacred Chant Tour. It is always a humble privilge to be a photographer for the artist close to my heart and strongly embedded in my life story. On numerous occasions Ong Namo […]
Swing Time!
I love many things. Design, photography, dance. This project created an opportunity to combine two of the above: to photograph dancers. And I totally changed my mind about swing as a dance style. It’s so packed with energy, fun, experimenting and aliveness. Not a style for barely moving seniors as I used to label it […]
Highduck Psychotherapy & Couching
Justyne Hajduk is a psychotherapist and coach. Together we worked on photographs for her upcoming upgraded website https://high-duck.com/ making sure they reflect her mission, vision, and the key values which she incorporates while working with clients.
Electric Picnic 2022
Taking photos at Electric Picnic has been on my bucket list for quite a while, I have planned to experience this Festival since 2007 when I missed Bjork’s concert being lined up back then.
Zatkało [in Polish]
Życie mnie zatkało w butelce z wiadomością rzuconą w ocean wydarzeń. Prawie zasnęłam w tym wiecznym “za mało”. Korzenie jak kocem zmiękczyły mądrością: Mała, dryfuj w stronę marzeń! Photo from pixabay byAdelinaZw (thanks!)